Who issues payment receipt after an FBA sale?

If Amazon issues the document, do I have to invoice Amazon? How does it work?

Do i have to send receipt to customer too? What tax document do I have to issue?

If customer wants a sales receipt, they get it from the orders page of their amazon account.

If it’s a business customer (the order will be marked “business customer”, you need to issue either a receipt or a tax document within 24 hours. Upload it in your seller central orders page.

Lots of help regarding FBA in Seller University. Take the time to watch/read.


When you make a sale through Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), Amazon handles many aspects of the transaction, including order processing, customer service, and payment processing. Amazon typically issues a payment to you for the sale, but they don’t issue a traditional payment receipt. Instead, they provide you with a detailed statement that outlines the fees, charges, and amounts related to your sales and FBA services.

No, you don’t need to send anything to the customer. You don’t need to issue any tax document to them Amazon automatically charge them Sales Tax according to states.
Don’t worry just grab sales.


When you sell through FBA on Amazon:

  1. Amazon handles payment processing and issues a payment receipt to the customer.

  2. Amazon deducts its fees from your earnings, so you don’t need to invoice them.

  3. Your earnings are periodically transferred to your bank account.


While you are doing fba model you don’t need to do anything regarding order fulfilment or invoices etc.

Amazon will manage all this stuff, you just need to ship your inventory to amazon and bring traffic and sales via PPC or external traffic.