Many sellers ran out of stock during Q4 and were unable to replenish due to Christmas and New Year. Now, on many high-performing listings, there are either no sellers or very few with limited stock.
Should I start jumping on these listings now, or should I wait, considering sellers might start restocking soon, which could make competition tougher?
Does the high level of restocking after Q4 usually create challenges, given that everyone is eager to replenish their inventory at the same time?
I would greatly appreciate your responses. Thank you!
Check the Keepa graph history for the lowest price ever and see if you can compete with it. If that’s the case, you can proceed with the listing.
Additionally, if you are purchasing directly from the brand or an authentic distributor at a good price that allows you to compete with anyone, then you can go for it.
You need to understand the supply chain of your products to answer these questions:
Where is the supply coming from? Is the manufacturer in stock or out of stock, and when do they plan to restock? How much stock do the distributors and retailers hold?
If there’s limited supply, then there’s little risk of oversaturation.
If you’re not in a position to analyze the supply chain, you’re relying on speed and getting in quickly. This is also fine, but as you’ve noted above, there is some risk that market conditions may change.
Hi sugoi,
Have a great day! i just want to ask if you need some help in advertising your products as your PPC and SEO specialist i can help you gain more visibilities to your target audience and boost more sales specially in new lauch products so if you want just message me and i will share my expertise and send my portfolio thank you.