When signing up to wholesalers websites what address would you recommend entering - home, business virtual address or storage unit address?

Thanks in advance

For what purpose do you want to add it? There are two options: one for business address, which is the LLC address, and the second one is for shipping, which depends on where you want to ship.

If you can just register without any sort of legit business checks it doesn’t matter.

They will be a shit wholesaler.

Use whatever address you want.

Good suppliers will want to check your credit references and make sure you have a legit way to receive products.

They don’t care if you’re working from home if you can prove to them you’re not like all the Amazon sellers who apply to them and waste their time.

Thanks for your reply. My question is around just signing up where they just want a single address at registration stage. Naturally when you place an order you can give business registered and shipping address.

You will have to add the billing address for invoicing and shipping address for shipping

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Thank you for your question about signing up for wholesaler websites and selecting the appropriate address to use. The choice of address depends on various factors, including your business structure, privacy concerns, and logistical considerations.

Here are some considerations to help you decide which address to use when signing up for wholesaler websites:

  1. Business Address: If you have a physical business location, using your business address may be the most appropriate option. This can help establish credibility with wholesalers and suppliers and ensure that shipments are delivered to a secure and reliable location.

  2. Virtual Address: If you operate a home-based business or prefer to keep your personal address private, using a virtual address may be a suitable alternative. Virtual addresses provide a professional business image and offer privacy protection by forwarding mail and packages to your preferred location.

  3. Storage Unit Address: If you use a storage unit for business purposes or need a separate address for receiving shipments, using your storage unit address may be a viable option. Be sure to verify with the storage facility that they accept business mail and packages and can accommodate your shipping needs.

  4. Considerations: When selecting an address, consider factors such as mail handling capabilities, package acceptance policies, and accessibility. Choose an address that can reliably receive mail and packages and provides convenient access for receiving shipments.

Ultimately, the most suitable address will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences. Consider your business needs, privacy concerns, and logistical requirements when making this decision.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with selecting an address for wholesaler website sign-ups, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you navigate through the process and support your business endeavors.

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Thank you for the reply @Akmal. Understood but my question is around when signing up initially.

When you place an order your suggestion is the standard. My thought is if I add home address they’ll Google it and deny my trade account (as not a warehouse or place with forklift access. Just wanted to know what you guys generally do?

When it comes to placing orders, especially for trade accounts or wholesale purchases, it’s essential to consider the requirements and preferences of the supplier or vendor. While providing a home address may seem convenient, there are factors to consider, such as potential limitations on delivery options and the perception of your business by the supplier.