What software do you use to track profits and what repricers?

Hi guys…

Currently using STK, but its around £70 a month combined…heard there are better alternatives… and cheaper…

SKUify for profit analytics and Profit Protector Pro as a repricer. They are integrated too.

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Most use Helium 10. I have JungleScout, but not as comprehensive as Helium 10.

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Skuify for me, much cheaper and has a much nicer layout and usability. Also using Profit Protector Pro for my repricing

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How much you paying monthly for both? If you don’t mind me asking…

PPP is £29.95 a month and Skuify £12.95

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Asinwiser.gr8.com or StK. Why use two separate softwares to give you two halfs of the one answer

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