Verifying my account without utility bills

Hi all.

If Amazon deactivates account and requests submission of proof of residence with ‘clear name and address’ as well as business licence if applicable, what do I submit if the seller account was opened by a business but no bills come in the name of the company?

Thank you

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Amazon would be the last of your concern, the pattern you have is consistent with fraud. AI will pick you out of the crowd.

I am using a virtual company. There are no utility bills under my name.

Attach your utility bill exactly matching with your name and address to Amazon and then if you are professional seller then provide business license. You can use bank statement as the utility bill.

Provide business registration documents as proof of residence for the Amazon seller account, as utility bills might not be in the company’s name.

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Depending on what countries you are touching the chances are high you will be investigated by authorities. Virtual offices, bitcoin, and few others are red flags…