Use recommendations to enrol products in FBA

Announcement reposted from Amazon Europe:

If a new product that you’re listing is recommended for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), a Recommended badge will display in the workflow’s Fulfillment Channel field.

The badge includes rationales that explain why the product is likely to perform better in FBA.

To review your recommendations for existing products, go to Inventory, and select Opportunities. The Recommendations section will display products that could be a good fit for FBA.

To receive recommendations from FBA Enrollment Opportunities, the following requirements must be met:

  • Your seller account must be in good standing.
  • Products aren’t categorised as novelty, dangerous, or heavy and bulky.
  • Sellers that have at least one year of tenure must have sold at least one product in the past 12 months.

For more information, go to FBA Enrollment Opportunities.

To get started, review your recommendations.