Units unsellable upon receipt

Last week, I sent in 5 boxes of chocolate for testing. Today, only 1 box is available for sale, while the other 4 are showing as follows: 1 warehouse damaged, 1 fulfillment center damaged, 1 distributor damaged, and 1 disposition changed.

This is serious monkey business going on. Every week, I waste time opening case after case. It’s getting ridiculous…

As an Amazon seller, we are now ready for these types of problems as Amazon has given more tough times to sellers in the last few years.

BTW, it’s part of the Amazon business. Keep trying to submit invoices amazon loves to reject things again and again.

Maybe the mice in the warehouse got to them.

They will send them back to you in perfect condition. That’s normally what happens to me.

Please ask for reimbursement. You need original invoices for that.