Tools for tracking keyword performance


Is there a tool that can track Amazon ASINs per keyword per day?

I mean, to measure the progress of each keyword and performance over the days?

Thank you

HELIUM 10. It has keyword tracker feature. I also use Search Query performance when doing market share report.

But here is the fact!

Amazon SQP is more accurate than any other third pary tools.

Not really i think you have to do that manually, but Scale insight do have some kinda of similar feature(Not sure)


Thank you for your inquiry about tools for tracking keyword performance. Monitoring the performance of keywords is crucial for optimizing your Amazon listings and maximizing your visibility and sales.

Here are some tools that can help you track keyword performance effectively:

  1. Helium 10: Helium 10 offers a suite of tools for Amazon sellers, including a keyword tracker that allows you to monitor keyword rankings, search volume, and changes over time. It provides insights into keyword performance and helps you identify opportunities for optimization.

  2. Jungle Scout: Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout tool enables you to research and track keywords relevant to your Amazon listings. It provides data on search volume, competitiveness, and trends, allowing you to make informed decisions about keyword optimization and targeting.

  3. AMZ Tracker: AMZ Tracker offers a keyword tracking feature that monitors keyword rankings and performance on Amazon. It provides data on keyword movements, competitor rankings, and suggested optimizations to help you improve your keyword strategy and ranking.

  4. Sellics: Sellics includes a keyword tracking tool as part of its all-in-one Amazon seller software suite. It allows you to track keyword rankings, search volume, and changes in performance across different Amazon marketplaces, helping you optimize your listings for maximum visibility and sales.

  5. MerchantWords: MerchantWords provides data-driven insights into Amazon keyword search volume and trends. While it doesn’t offer real-time keyword tracking, it can be a valuable resource for keyword research and identifying high-demand keywords for your listings.

These tools offer valuable features for tracking keyword performance on Amazon and optimizing your listings for better visibility and sales. Depending on your specific needs and budget, you can choose the tool that best fits your requirements and helps you achieve your business goals.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with keyword tracking or optimization, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to help you succeed on Amazon!