Take action: One or more of your offers are not eligible to be a featured offer (Buy Box)

I have sent my first shipment as FBA which has not arrived at Amazon warehouse yet but Amazon keep sending me the emails every day about my offer is not eligible to be a featured offered and asking me to lower the price.

Should I lower the price or wait until my shoppment arrive, please advise 🙏.


The listing has the BB suppresed and Amazon wants you to drop the price , but do not worry …As long the listing still selling it is all good…

Ignore and delete the email …

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Ignore these or opt out. A supressed buybox can still get sales. Just stay competively priced with the other sellers.


@Muhammad This !!!

Just press delete on email

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Those emails go straight to the trash bin.

You set your prices based on your business model. The buy box rotates based on many factors not just price.