I hope you all are doing perfect!
I am very new to amazon FBA, I am still in the process of choosing/ creating products. We will go for private labels since budget wise am not alone so it will be easier for us to do so.
Just to clarify,We have signed up for the professional amazon seller account, and we have chosen the individual option not the “privately owned business “.
My question is legally what do we need to have before doing PL? LLC or Trademark? Also is it a must to have a company? In other words, what is legally required from me? Thanks for the help!
Legally - you can be a sole trader or whatever this is called in your country. No LLC/trademark/company is required.
Amazon - if you are buying stock to sell for a profit, you need to be registered as a business, not an individual. This can be as a sole trader or a more formal business. Also, “professional” is Amazon’s misleading term for the selling plan, nothing to do with your legal entity.
Recommended - trademark for your brand and also brand registry on Amazon.
@Hannah What @AmazonUKForumRefugee said is correct, that you don’t need anything in order to be able to do a private label business on Amazon.
There are lots of YouTube gurus selling courses and telling you otherwise but there is no requirement regarding legal entity and you don’t need a trademark.
Trademark is helpful if you are anticipating to have other sellers attempt to join your listings. So unless you are going to sell generic trinkets from Alibaba, then you don’t need it.