Should I cover barcodes?

Hello everyone,

I wanted some advice about packing. For two-packs, I usually face the barcodes together, but if that’s not possible, I cover both barcodes with a blank label, put the items in a polybag, and then place the label on the outside.

Is it necessary to cover the product’s barcode? I only do this to prevent it from being scanned. For single items, I place my label directly over the product’s barcode, but for two-packs, I feel like I’m creating extra work for myself.


You do need to cover the barcodes. This is critical.

Also, see recent announcement:

Cover secondary barcodes on your FBA products for faster processing

We’ve improved the barcode scanning process at our fulfilment centres to enable faster processing with automation. If your FBA products use FNSKU labels that start with an X, make sure that you cover all secondary barcodes (such as EAN or UPC) so that our system can process your items quickly and accurately.

If you use FNSKU labels but your product has other barcodes visible, our system may scan one of the other barcodes instead of the FNSKU, which can cause processing delays and potential losses.

For more information, go to FBA product barcode requirements and Use Amazon barcodes to track inventory.

You can also review our FBA Labelling Guide.


Just put a sticker on the pack that says “Do not separate” so the people at the fulfillment center won’t mistakenly try to split them or scan the individual barcodes.

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What if the product barcode is scanned through the polybag? Will this be an issue? Thanks.

Yes, it will be.

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They shouldn’t do this. Fulfillment center workers responsible for scanning products (inbound) are aware that they should not scan individual barcodes when there is a pack of two or more. Unless someone makes a mistake, they know they should scan the barcode for the pack, not the individual barcodes.

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Thanks, should have reached out before and asked, would have saved me so much time.