Shipping FBA inventory from China

Hi, I am in the process of ordering my first batch of product from China via DDP and I have a few questions

  1. If I order an FBA shipment, do I have a specific time to send it to the warehouse, or should I provide an estimated date of arrival of the shipment, what does it look like?

  2. What if the shipping company that works with my manufacturer is not listed on amazon?

  3. How does Amazon know when my order will arrive?

  4. What address to set when setting up a shipment because I heard that if I set a Chinese address, it will select some distant address in the middle of the USA? Maybe I should set the port address in california so that amazon chooses a closer address, I don’t know if it’s true or false that it works like that

Hi @Kayla,

  1. If I order an FBA shipment, do I have a specific time to send it to the warehouse, or should I provide an estimated date of arrival of the shipment, what does it look like?

You do not have to commit to a specific time to complete your shipment to Amazon. If your shipment stays open for 6 months there’s a good chance it will be canceled for you.

  1. What if the shipping company that works with my manufacturer is not listed on amazon?

If your carrier isn’t listed in the drop down menu, you can select “other.” Review the Carrier and tracking information requirements , and make sure your carrier understands the Carrier requirements for LTL and FTL deliveries ahead your delivery date.

  1. How does Amazon know when my order will arrive?

That will already have been determined beforehand.

  1. What address to set when setting up a shipment because I heard that if I set a Chinese address, it will select some distant address in the middle of the USA? Maybe I should set the port address in california so that amazon chooses a closer address, I don’t know if it’s true or false that it works like that

Amazon will decide which Fulfillment center will receive your shipment. You need to follow their directions exactly.

Importing a shipment to FBA is a very complex process. Amazon has provided detail instructions for you.

Delivering imports to Amazon


Thank you for the help!


HI @Kayla

You are welcome, and best wishes.