I have ordered my first product with a local supplier. Should I get it shipped to Amazon warehouse directly and would they put the barcodes on the product for me?
It is a branded product and I am not sure if I need to add the UPC or FNSKU. How should I obtain the product images? Should I ask the wholesaler to send me product listing images or should I get one product shipped and take the pictures.
Could somebody please tell me how you did this. Can I use the images from another listing?
You can ask your supplier to put the barcode on the product. Provide your own accurate images for the listing, either from the wholesaler or taken by you. Avoid using unauthorized images from other listings.
When sending your product to Amazon, you can choose to have them handle labeling with a UPC, or you can label it yourself. It’s recommended to use your own images for accurate representation. You should request images from the wholesaler or take pictures yourself. Using images from another listing may not be allowed and can result in issues.
You are sending your first product to Amazon, and you are having someone else label and pack the shipment for you. I wouldn’t
If you use the UPC code, every less than ethical seller will dump “junk” into the commingled bin. Affix your product with FNSKU stickers so that you can maintain the integrity of your inventory.
Thanks for the heads up. I’m a bit unsure about the best way to go about it at the moment, and I just want to do things the way other sellers do. So, are you saying it’s better for me to do the prep myself and use those FNSKU barcodes too?
If there should be a problem with your shipment when it arrives at the fulfillment center and/or there is a complaint from a customer(s), you will have no idea why this is happening.
We always prepped and labeled all of our shipments, because nobody could do it better than we could.
After awhile, when you become more familiar with the FBA process and your suppliers, you might try having them ship directly to FBA. Not now. Not when you are just getting started.