Sending boxes with markings or other labels on them?

This is my first time shipping a box to an Amazon FBA distribution center. Do these boxes have to be completely bare without any markings or extraneous labels on them or can they have writings, brands, and markings on them as long as the shipping labels are legible? I would assume they can be sent in any box as long as the parcel service can ship it out, also I would presume Amazon opens the box and uses their own boxes to ship out FBA products.

Can anyone offer any insight on this?

Good question, I am assuming this is for the United States marketplace. I have definitely seen it somewhere that the boxes need to be blank without branding. But this was on Facebook and the Amazon help pages don’t mention anything.

Here you can check them out: 亚马逊 登录

However, they do mention:

“If you are reusing boxes, remove all old shipping labels, barcodes, or markings.”

So, to be on the safe side, I would use blank boxes. But I just shipped a box with branding into FBA yesterday.

When shipping to an Amazon FBA distribution center, you can use any box, including ones with writings, brands, or markings, as long as all previous labels and barcodes are completely removed or covered, and the new shipping labels are clearly legible. Amazon doesn’t require the boxes to be bare, but they do need to ensure that only the correct shipping labels are visible to avoid confusion. Amazon will open the box upon arrival and sort your FBA products, but they typically don’t repackage them in their own boxes for fulfillment unless necessary.

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