I am currently selling bundles in the USA and looking to start selling the same bundles in Canada and the UK.
How should I set this up? I am not a UK resident, so can I use my current account and brand registry to start selling in the UK, or is it better to create a new UK account using a relative’s details?
Also, what about VAT registration and other tax-related matters?
If you log in with your existing account, you will be required to pay 20% VAT on your first revenue. However, there may be a relaxation in VAT if you create an account using UK details.
Are you bundling other brands and selling them under your own trademark? I know Amazon has been cracking down on such listings.
Regarding selling in the UK, you will need to be VAT-registered, but you can keep your LLC. If you need an accountant in the UK, Harvinder Singh Dhillon can assist you.