Sellers getting fake feedback


I noticed that some sellers are giving themselves fake feedback, and quite a lot of it. The same 1, 2, or 3 names keep posting 5-star feedback repeatedly on the sellers’ pages, often using the same words or phrases.

How are they tricking the system? It’s clear they aren’t making a ton of orders and paying a 15% tax to A-to-Z for each order just to give themselves those feedbacks.

I searched the web but couldn’t find any information on this.


Softwares for feedback request. One of them is sagemailer.

Never thought about this, but I wouldn’t bother. Everything you do must be legit according to T&C, and what others are doing is none of your business, let them trick the system if they want.

If you want feedback, just keep selling, and you’ll get it organically. Alternatively, you can use software like SageMailer, JS, or H10 to request reviews.

It’s called proxy marketing, mostly popular in Chinese sellers.