Seeking tips from experienced sellers

Hello guys,

it is a pleasure for me to be a new member of this forum and already getting some good advice. I am starting out in the world of Amazon FBA, with great enthusiasm because I know that you can get many nice things.

I am in the process of choosing my first product to sell but I really don’t know what to sell, there are too many things on the market and almost all the things that exist are sold on Amazon, I chose the niche of gadgets for the home and kitchen, I want to sell things . They are very easy to use, anyone can use them and they have very good profitability.

I have done the study but I have not yet decided which path to follow and if I would like perhaps a little of your guidance to be able to move forward on this path.

I thank you all very much for your help

You would be much better off buying a mobile vendors cart/wagon/trailer/truck and selling on the street. If you are in a fairly large city you will do very well. Around here the former ebay and amazon sellers set up small tables in front of their homes and sell direct. Item stays sold, the seller gets paid, then you say expletive amazon and ebay…

Not what you intended to hear, however it is for fact.


All the relevant info can be found online for free. There are plenty of blogs and tutorials on Youtube. I can recommend the free product research tool code2asin. Keepa is also free and has a relativly inexpensive pro version. Some people also like Helium10 which is more expensive. Good luck.

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First of all, you have to research Amazon’s wholesale model which is the best and safest model for new sellers to make their business grow to do that you have to start with Amazon’s wholesale model after a little bit of time you can do private label and arbitrage, etc. For the first start with fba wholesale model.

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Just a heads up don’t get trapped by people claiming they know everything. You will encounter many scammers and gurus seeking easy money.

Seller University has all you need.

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