Sandbox Test works. but actual live test results in: We’re sorry, but there

The sandbox test worked perfectly but when I did my own live test I keep getting an error message

Address Book: We’re sorry, but there’s a problem processing your payment from this website. Please contact the seller for assistance.

And I can’t see what I need to do in the integration instructions

If you are encountering an error message stating, “We’re sorry, but there’s a problem processing your payment from this website. Please contact the seller for assistance,” during your live test with Amazon Pay, it indicates that there might be an issue with the payment processing from your website.

Here are a few possible reasons and troubleshooting steps you can try:

  1. Check your integration: Double-check your integration code to ensure that it is correctly implemented on your website. Verify that you have followed all the necessary steps and requirements outlined in the integration instructions provided by Amazon Pay.
  2. Verify your merchant account: Make sure that your Amazon Pay merchant account is properly set up and activated. Check your account settings and ensure that there are no restrictions or issues with your account.
  3. Confirm your credentials: Verify that you are using the correct credentials (such as Merchant ID, Access Key, and Secret Key) in your integration code. Incorrect or mismatched credentials can cause payment processing issues.
  4. Review error logs: Check the error logs or logs generated during the payment process to see if there are any specific error messages or details that can help identify the issue. This can provide more insight into the specific problem that is causing the payment processing error.
  5. Contact Amazon Pay Support: If you have gone through the above steps and are still unable to resolve the issue, I recommend reaching out to Amazon Pay Support or Seller Support. They will have access to your account details and can provide specific guidance and troubleshooting assistance based on your account setup and integration.

By following these steps and seeking assistance from Amazon Pay support, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue preventing the successful processing of payments on your website.