Safelisted to edit listings of a brand

A listing I jumped on is search suppressed, and I have tried multiple times to fix it, but of course, it’s not working (description missing). I opened multiple cases and went back and forth with the Seller Support team. Today, I received a message saying that I was safelisted for this specific brand and can now add the description.

I just added it now, so let’s see if it works. If it does, it seems that we need to ask to be safelisted first when dealing with this type of issue.

Can you please guide me that what is the benefit of fixing suppressed listing as it’s not our asset.

What does safelisting mean? Is this only for listing that you created /own. I’m guessing search suppressed means customers are not able to find the item through keyword search.

I usually fix this by uploading a flat file

What does it mean to be ‘safe listed’?

Whom should we ask to be safe listed, Amazon or the Brand?

I have 2 listings which are Search suppressed, but are out of stock. So in this case no need to fix the issue as long as I do not plan to restock the listings. This is my understanding. I am right?

Thank you.

Thats a good piece of info… I will try fixing mine

I am facing the same issue. With 1 of my listings

It took 2 minutes for the listing to be fixed! So everyone, when you deal with such situations ask Seller Support to be safe listed first.

Good piece of advice. I have a few of those. I’ll try that and report it back

Thanks for the info, Ill definitely share this technique

I am selling a very big brand & one of the ASINs shows Search Suppressed because the description is missing. As per your suggestion, I opened a case and informed them that I am trying to add the description, but nothing works & I asked if they could add me to the Safe Sellers List but they responded with this. Have you ever received something like this? I was expecting them to ask for invoices.


The customer can’t find a search suppressed listing, they need the exact link. Un-supressing the listing will boost the sales.