Review of your Seller account

Hey everyone,

I received email from Amazon… why did this is happen, because in this my new account I listed some generic products (FBM) then I received this email.

Kindly suggest the solution.

Thanks in advance

Your Amazon seller account has been placed under temporary review. This review period will provide us time to confirm delivery of your recent seller-fulfilled orders. The review period should not exceed 30 days, but we will inform you if additional time is required for your temporary review. While your account is under review, funds will remain in your account, but you will not be able to receive any disbursements during the review period.
For more information, please refer to the Funds Disbursement Eligibility Policy:
Once we confirm delivery of recent seller-fulfilled orders, you may proceed with funds disbursements according to your normal disbursement schedule. If you have outstanding un-shipped or open orders during this time, please continue fulfilling these. Evidence of delivery will help expedite the review of your account.
Why did this happen?
Amazon considers multiple factors when deciding if a selling account should be placed under temporary review. The Amazon help page on Selling Account Reviews for Seller-Fulfilled Orders (亚马逊) provides examples of these factors.
Maintaining a healthy account and abiding by selling best practices can minimize the likelihood that your account will be placed under review in the future. Refer to our Seller University video on Seller Fulfillment Best Practices:
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How do I expedite the review of my account?
If you believe there has been an error or you would like the review process expedited, submit an explanation to [email protected]. Your explanation should include the following information:
– Updated tracking information for recently shipped seller-fulfilled orders or verify that current uploaded tracking information is correct. Tracking information may be provided in the Manage Orders section of your seller account. If you are an Amazon Easy Ship seller, confirm that you use this service for your seller-fulfilled orders as part of your submission:
– Evidence of delivery of recently shipped seller-fulfilled orders. This may include buyer confirmation of receipt or proof of delivery documentation. If you have not already done so, you may request feedback from your buyers. When contacting a buyer, it is prohibited to pressure a buyer or offer incentives for feedback. Read the customer product reviews policies for more information:
– If your account has unfulfilled orders and buyer claims or complaints that they did not receive the order, provide supporting documentation that explains the reasons for non-fulfillment of these orders.
– If you are facing logistics issues that are causing delays to the fulfillment of your orders or resulting in non-fulfillment and proactive order cancellation, provide reasons and supporting evidence associated with these for consideration during your review. Supporting evidence may include copies of communications from the provider, invoices, bank statements, contracts, or any other evidence useful to explain what caused the delays.
– The address (URL or physical store address) of other stores (including other Amazon accounts) where you sell similar products and can demonstrate proof of delivery.
– Evidence to support the identification of your business and history of positive buyer-seller transactions. This may include business website, email, or company bank information. Ensure all applicable business information is up to date in your Seller Central account. Although this is not mandatory, this can help expedite the verification of your business and the account review process.
What happens if I do not send a sufficient explanation?
We will continue to review your account over the next 30 days for evidence that supports delivery of recent seller-fulfilled orders. Once we identify proof of delivery to customers, the review period will end and we will automatically reactivate your seller-fulfilled listings and release funds for disbursement. If we do not find sufficient evidence of delivery during this period, further action may be taken and your entire Amazon account may be permanently deactivated in accordance with the Amazon Program Policies (亚马逊). You will receive an email following the review period to let you know what action has been taken. If you believe you have additional evidence to support reactivation before this time, submit an appeal.
How do I send the required information?
Submit this information to [email protected]. Ensure you are responding from your registered email, or include your Merchant Token Number by going to Account Info > Business Info > Merchant Token.
Has your account been reviewed in error?
If you believe there has been an error, submit an explanation. Your explanation should include the following information:
– Evidence or examples that demonstrate your account complies with our Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct.
– How your account has not violated our policies.
We’re here to help.
If you have questions about this review or the information requested above, contact us:
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For further information on how to maintain a healthy account, refer to our Seller University video on how to maintain your account health:
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You can view your account performance or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device.
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They are just checking if you are trying to scam the customers… Thats why it says they will release funds once you have delivered the products.

Does it mean my account is working properly like I list the products, receive orders etc?

Yes, you will receive the funds but try to not list generic items and also if you are sourcing from China try not to source from there.

And also your account is business account?

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Just don’t dropship or you will be banned.

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I am not dropshipping.