Restricted product deactivation

My account has been deactivated due to product i listed.
So many account are getting deactivated due to this reason and i dont have any way to reactivate them .
When i request to submit appeal there has only one option has your account deactivated in error? And nothing else.
Please help me out with the reactivation process @Kika i can subscribe and also tip on only fans if you can rply fast but not after week or month
Please help me out with some POA or someone who has same issue and have already solved please tell me how

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Hello @Arkesh,

thank you for posting into our forum. I am sorry to hear that your Seller Account has been deactivated due to a restricted item being listed.

This is the first time I am seeing the wording where they say “Your selling partner account has been deactivated”. this must be a new wording.

Here is an example Plan of Action addressing restricted products policy violations:

As you can see, the ASIN included in their notice is just an example. This means that Amazon says you listed lots of similar products, which are restricted / prohibited from being sold on the marketplace.

What you need to do now is research why does this listing not comply with Amazon policy and you need to remove any similar listings which can still be found in your inventory.

Have you received any prior warnings?

Certainly! Here’s a response:


Thank you for bringing up the issue of restricted product deactivation. Deactivating restricted products on Amazon requires careful consideration and adherence to Amazon’s policies and guidelines.

To deactivate restricted products, follow these steps:

  1. Identify restricted products: Review your inventory to identify any products that are restricted or prohibited by Amazon’s policies. These may include items that pose safety concerns, infringe on intellectual property rights, or violate other regulations.

  2. Remove listings: If you have identified restricted products in your inventory, take immediate action to remove the listings from your seller account. This can be done through the Amazon Seller Central dashboard by selecting the appropriate listings and choosing the option to remove or delete them.

  3. Review policies: Familiarize yourself with Amazon’s policies and guidelines related to restricted products to ensure compliance. Take steps to prevent future listings of restricted products by implementing quality control measures and conducting thorough product research before listing new items.

  4. Appeal if necessary: If you believe that a product has been incorrectly flagged as restricted or if you have taken corrective action to address the issue, you can submit an appeal to Amazon. Provide a detailed explanation of the steps you have taken to rectify the situation and prevent future violations.

  5. Monitor performance: After taking action to deactivate restricted products, monitor your seller account performance closely for any updates or communications from Amazon. Be responsive to any requests for additional information or clarification.

It’s important to address restricted product deactivations promptly and thoroughly to maintain compliance with Amazon’s policies and protect the integrity of your seller account.

If you need further assistance or have specific questions about deactivating restricted products, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,


Please use the example Plan of Action published by me above and then let me know once you have a draft of your own appeal.