I know it’s tightly regulated otherwise, but does anyone use the ‘Request review’ button regularly?
Only if I am launching a new product but it’s not effective. I now just subscribe to the lonesomelabs.com free service which does the job for me.
I can recommend it as I “believe” that is asks for reviews but the back end is not that good as you have no visibility of the effectiveness. But it’s free. Install it and forget about it except when you need to add new products.
Thanks, I’ll check that out!
Seems very interesting. I’m always a little dubious when services like this are free but I’m sure you wouldn’t recommend it unless you feel confident they’re not going to use access for nefarious purposes and or sell your data somewhere! I’ve signed up to try it. Have you boticed an uptick from it?
What number of days do you have yours set to send revew requests in? I know the amazon request feature doesnt allow it if orders are too recent (5-30 day window after delivery). Don’t want to cause some account issue requesting them too early!
I have never asked for product reviews as I am worried about being flagged by Amazon’s algorithms. Have you tried Amazon Vine? For me it worked well and I got tons of reviews, all 5 stars and with pictures and videos.
Thanks for the tip. Does it work well?
Use it at your own risk but I doubt if there is anything bad going on.
I have no way of checking as I don’t keep tabs on review rates.
I left it at 7 days
As I mentioned earlier, I have no idea if it works well as there is simply no way of checking unless someone is bothered to chart the rate of reviews, before and after.
I see it as another way to hope to get more reviews and it’s free so nothing to lose. It sits there, doing stuff in the background.
My products have many reviews, some have several thousands, so I am not bothered that much. But the occasional new product that I launch would benefit a boost.
Yes. But you will find that most buyers opted out of receiving communications anyway.
Yes. But no one leaves reviews anyway.
Yes, luckily I also have my own private label products with thousands of reviews, What a great sight to look at them. But when I launch a new product which I designed, typically within the next few months, multiple Chinese sellers will come up with copies of my product. This is why I need to quickly establish the product and gain walls of reviews. I am using Vine for this.