Reminder to submit your WEEE-Reg.-Nrs. to Amazon

From July 1, 2023, Amazon will be legally obligated to check if you comply with EPR (Extended Responsibility Producer) requirements for WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) in Germany, and, if you do not, deactivate your non-compliant listings.

As it takes four weeks to confirm that your offers have a valid registration at the brand and type of equipment level, we may deactivate some non-compliant listings starting June 5, 2023. If this happens, you will lose access to Pan-European services for these listings, until you provide us with valid WEEE-Reg.-Nrs.

To prove your compliance, register your brands and submit your WEEE-Reg.-Nrs. on the Seller Central Compliance Portal for all your brand and type of equipment combinations. It is important that you only do this after the numbers become visible on the Stiftung ear portal .

Note: Your authorized representative must be on Stiftung ear’s list for your WEEE-Reg.-Nr. to be confirmed as valid. If it is not the case, check with your service provider and take the required steps to become compliant. Any listings with a WEEE-Reg.-Nr. from a non-admitted authorized representative will be deactivated after July 1, 2023, until the new valid registration number is provided.

If you are not compliant yet, you can self-register with Stiftung ear or, if you need help to meet your EPR requirements, sign up for one of our solutions: EPR Services on Amazon or EPR Service provider network.

If you believe your products are not subject to these regulations, contact Selling Partner Support.

To learn more about EPR requirements for WEEE in Germany, go to EPR requirements: WEEE in Germany .

Will a seller account get suspended without WEEE registration?