Product Opportunity Explorer

:eye_in_speech_bubble ASIN View on the Product Opportunity Explorer!

How to access it: Go to Amazon Seller Central, click on the Growth section, and find the Product Opportunity Explorer. Then, enter the ASIN in the search field.

What are the essential use cases for it?

:one: By entering an ASIN in the search field, you’ll gain access to insightful data not only for that specific ASIN but also for similar ones.

:two: This feature simplifies competitor research and niche analysis. You can now see the click count (traffic metrics) of your niche sellers, allowing you to estimate your competitors’ sales as well. You can also see their click share growth in the last 30 and 90 days, along with visualizing the 7-day click count trend on a graph.

:three: Sort it by launch date, and you can visualize how many new sellers have entered the market in the past year and how they are performing in their respective niches. It will give a view regarding the ease of entry into a niche

Happy Selling


Great, thank you for sharing :clap: