Product not showing when searching for keywords

Hi all me again,
We have a product which rank is between 10/4
But not showing in every key word. Amaoxn are not being helpful so we have to have ppc on those words to be seen even tho not organic on those words
Back end key words have all these words in.
This been on going issue for a while and we ar missing out on sales.
Please advice

Make sure your product listing is fully optimized with relevant and high-converting keywords. Update your title, bullet points, product description, and backend keywords to include the key terms you’re targeting. Use these keywords naturally, ensure they are relevant and avoid spamming to attract more hits.

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You just answered your own post. amazon is a bully and does what ever they can get away with in order to increase their profits NOT YOURS. Hiding your listings is how they bully you into buying PPC. It works very well, it got you to bite, that technique works so well eBay is doing the same thing…

They get away with it because of the lack of government regulation. Lack of transparency means they can do what ever and you don’t know about it.