Product Authenticity Complaints

My FBA ASIN got blocked. I am an authorized seller with Invoices and authorization letter from the brand owner who is the supplier 3 appeals rejected with 9 invoices and letter from Supplier. What is wrong?


I understand that you are facing an issue where your FBA ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) has been blocked, despite being an authorized seller with invoices and an authorization letter from the brand owner who is also your supplier. It is concerning that your appeals, which included nine invoices and the letter from the supplier, have been rejected multiple times. Let’s try to understand what might be causing this problem.

While I don’t have access to the specific details of your situation, there could be a few reasons why your appeals have been rejected. Here are some possibilities to consider:

  1. Insufficient information: It’s possible that the information provided in your appeals, such as the invoices and authorization letter, did not meet Amazon’s requirements or did not provide clear evidence of your authorization to sell the product. Make sure that the invoices are authentic, unaltered, and clearly show the product details, purchase dates, and your relationship with the brand owner.
  2. Inadequate explanation of the issue: Your appeals may not have adequately addressed the specific reason for the ASIN block. It’s essential to clearly state the problem and provide a detailed plan of action to resolve it. Explain the steps you have taken to comply with Amazon’s policies and address any concerns raised by the brand owner or Amazon.
  3. Incomplete understanding of the issue: It’s possible that there is a misunderstanding regarding the specific policy or guideline that led to the ASIN block. Take the time to thoroughly review Amazon’s policies and guidelines, focusing on those related to brand authorization, selling eligibility, and product authenticity. Ensure that you fully understand the requirements and address them in your appeals.

To address this situation effectively, consider the following steps:

  1. Review previous appeal rejections: Carefully analyze the rejection reasons provided by Amazon in their communication. This can help you identify any gaps or issues in your previous appeals and allow you to address them more effectively in your future appeals.
  2. Strengthen your evidence: Double-check the invoices and authorization letter you have submitted. Ensure that they meet Amazon’s requirements, are authentic, and clearly demonstrate your authorization to sell the product. Consider including additional supporting documentation, such as distribution agreements or contracts, to further substantiate your relationship with the brand owner.
  3. Craft a comprehensive Plan of Action (POA): Develop a clear and detailed POA that addresses the specific reason for the ASIN block. Outline the steps you have taken to rectify the situation, including any additional measures you plan to implement to prevent similar issues in the future. Be concise, transparent, and demonstrate your commitment to compliance.
  4. Seek expert advice: If you are still experiencing difficulties after multiple appeal rejections, it may be helpful to consult with a specialized Amazon consultant or seek legal advice. These professionals can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and help you navigate the appeals process more effectively.

Remember to remain patient and persistent throughout this process. The appeals process can sometimes take time, and it may require several attempts before achieving a favorable outcome. Continue to engage with Seller Performance and provide them with all relevant information and documentation to support your case.

I hope this information helps you understand some possible reasons for the ASIN block and provides guidance on how to address the issue more effectively. Best of luck with your future appeals, and I hope your FBA ASIN will be unblocked soon.