Prime-exclusive discounts are moving to the Price Discounts tool

Announcement reposted from Amazon Europe:

We’ve simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.

As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.

The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalogue to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.

Any discount that you’ve already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you’ll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.

To create a price discount, follow these steps:

Go to Advertising, and select Price discounts .
Click Create a price discount.
Complete the form. To create a discount that is exclusive to Prime customers, select Prime customers as the Audience type.
Note that primary users of your account have access to price discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global user permissions , select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View and edit permissions.

For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.