Operating multiple selling accounts

I have a question about using the same residential address for multiple Amazon professional business accounts. My cousin and I both want to start Amazon businesses, but we’ve used the same address for my account.

Can anyone advise on the best course of action for my cousin to set up their own account without violating any Amazon policies or running into any issues with verification?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Always risky and there is a risk that all accounts will be deactivated if one is.

Does your cousin live with you or are you trying to “flex” the rules?

Your cousin will need proof of residence.


So what is the right method will you suggest me? That my cousin can make another account on his UK base details?

Using the same residential address for multiple accounts means that the accounts will become linked. One account gets suspended and the 2nd will follow.

If you sell the same products as your cousin then again this is going to be a huge issue. I would not do this, not worth it.

Different addresses. You can’t have the same address for both accounts. Two different people, with different computers and everything.

You didn’t answer my question so I can’t advise.

Thank you for reaching out with your question. Using the same residential address for multiple Amazon professional business accounts can potentially lead to issues with account verification and management. Amazon typically requires each seller account to have a unique set of information, including a distinct address.

While it may be tempting to share an address to simplify things, it’s important to follow Amazon’s guidelines to ensure the integrity of your accounts and avoid any potential complications down the line.

If both you and your cousin are interested in starting Amazon businesses, I would recommend each of you use a different address for your respective accounts to comply with Amazon’s policies and maintain the legitimacy of your businesses.

If you have any further questions or need assistance setting up your accounts, please feel free to reach out.

With respect, I have a different opinion, its not an issue as long as your browser cookies, phone number, email are different.

Just to be safe, never use same router, network to match ip address. Otherwise, you should be fine.

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There are always ways to not be linked trough ip .Lets assume you get different routers, different internet, different laptops etc, but what about both sellers having the same address?

Maybe he can use any family members address or any friend who is closer to him and have a good understanding.

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My cousin doesn’t have an address which can provide utility bills other than the one shared with me. He is a student.

This is what I am worried about. So any other way to make account? If my cousin use any other address, he will have to provide the documents matching the address of its owner too right? So what are your suggestions?