No sales recorded

I’ve been selling my own content on Amazon. Making journals on Canva and the selling on Amazon. I know people have bought my journals. A lot of my family has but on my seller central it says I have zero sales! What the heck is going on ?

Possible causes include a delay in sales reporting, a problem with data syncing, account settings, or missing to verify the correct sales report. Verify the settings for the sale report and give the data a while to update.

You need to do seo Optimization,run ppc ads with proper strategy

Hi @greeting_cards_gifts,

You can view your sales history for your listings in your catalog under the Sales History column in the Manage Pricing page. Under the default settings, this column will display:

Seller Central > Menu > Pricing > Manage Pricing

When you click on the SKU for your product, you will receive a report similar to this one.

Just make sure that you cover the date range when the orders were placed.

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