Newbie questions

Hello! 100% newbie here. I’m watching a lot of YouTube videos and trying to figure out where to start. I know I have to start with oa/ra, I just have a couple of questions:

  • Can I buy products on Aliexpress or Temu and resell them as a generic brand? Will that get me in trouble with Amazon risking my account being deactivated?

  • Do I need a Private Label in order to sell from Aliexpress or Temu? I understand you do need one if you outsource from Alibaba, or am I wrong?

I apologize if these are silly questions, I’m trying to wrap my head around all this information 😅

Thank you!!

When you are new, it’s better yo get invoices from wholesalers. You could be asked for proof of authenticity anytime.


Hello @LPPSA . Welcome to the Seller Forums!

Hello! 100% newbie here. I’m watching a lot of YouTube videos and trying to figure out where to start. I know I have to start with oa/ra, I just have a couple of questions:

Best not to watch anything on YouTube and/or tips from other websites. Amazon has an incredible amount of information already available, so you shouldn’t need to go outside the platform. Here’s the best place to start.

Selling on Amazon

Can I buy products on Aliexpress or Temu and resell them as a generic brand? Will that get me in trouble with Amazon risking my account being deactivated?

Maybe? Do the products you want to buy require prior approval on Amazon? What about safety and/or listing restrictions? In any event, it’s best starting out with products purchased in the USA. Look for something from a wholesale company that will provide you with invoices.

Do I need a Private Label in order to sell from Aliexpress or Temu? I understand you do need one if you outsource from Alibaba, or am I wrong?

Yes and No. No you don’t need a private label. Yes can list things you purchased from China. But you will still have the same Amazon category and/or restricted concerns.

I apologize if these are silly questions, I’m trying to wrap my head around all this information

No Amazon questions are silly. Being an Amazon seller you are expected to be a professional and sell high quality items. You only get one chance at this, so source your products from a US wholesaler, and make sure to have invoices, Save sourcing products from China until you have some experience.


Thank you, this is really helpful :slight_smile:


You are welcome, and best wishes.

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