New transit time options for selling large and heavy products

As a valued selling partner who sells large and heavy (>=23 kg) products, we would like to inform you about the newly added transit time options in “Large and Heavy Items” shipping template.

The changes taking place would be:

  • We have increased the granularity of transit times options similar to “Standard” shipping template to offer “Arranged delivery” using “Large and Heavy Items” shipping template.
  • You can now choose from the following transit time options and offer more accurate delivery promise for the large parcels.
    • Transit time options: 1 day, 2 days, 1-2 days, 2-3 days, 2-4 days, 2-5 days, 3-4 days, 3-5 days, 5-7 days, 5-10 days and 7-14 days.

The impact of these changes on your delivery would be:

  • We encourage you to take advantage of setting more granular transit time settings (For example:1 day or 2 days) at a region and zip level.
  • This change offers you more flexibility in terms of setting more accurate delivery promise for customers buying Heavy and bulky items from you. The other ship option, scheduled delivery, remains unchanged.

Note: These changes are available only for the “Arranged delivery” ship option in the “Large and Heavy Items” shipping template. The other ship option such as scheduled delivery remains unchanged.

For more information, go to heavy and bulky Items shipping .