
Hi guys

Just a quick one regarding meltables. I know amazon have sent the notice out to stop sending meltables in now but how specifically are they defined. Would for example a pack of milk chocolate digestive biscuits be classed as meltables???


There is a list of ASINs they consider to be meltable. You would require to check each individual ASIN. chocolate digestives are liable to be classed as meltable.

You’re not gonna get into trouble (currently) in the UK for having meltables in your inventory past the date, however once it gets hot here (over 25* ish for a few days) then you might get bad reviews or feedback. Just think…would this product turn up in a bad state if it was sat in a hot warehouse or van, if yes don’t send into FBA. You could check the software but if the person hasn’t clicked the “these are meltable” when creating the listing then they won’t show up. Common sense is best used here