Manage the automated removal of your aged inventory

Announcement reposted from Amazon United States:

Starting from April 13, we may need to remove some of your aging inventory unless you’ve opted out of automated removal of aging inventory. This is to create more room for products in our fulfilment centres.

Aging inventory refers to units that have been in one of our fulfilment centres for more than 365 days. Automated removal of aging inventory can help you save on aged inventory surcharges and improve your Inventory Performance Index score.

To manage your aged inventory, go to Automated fulfillable inventory settings and choose from the following:

  • To have your inventory returned to you, select Return and enter a valid return address. If you don’t provide a valid address, your inventory will be automatically donated, recycled or removed.
  • To opt out of automated removal of aging inventory, select Disabled.

Note: Automated removals are considered required removals, and can’t be cancelled once they’re created.

If you have aged inventory and haven’t updated your removal settings, you’ll be notified about upcoming automatic removals by email and in Seller Central.

View your aging inventory