Looking for guidance from FBA experts

Hello everyone I need help,

could you please guide me with the following things:

1.If I purchase from the website and get it delivered to the prep center, the shipping details would be those of the prep center so if Amazon asks for an invoice, I will have a different shipping address than my billing address. Will this be an issue?

  1. I have always worked on FBA wholesale model, purchasing directly from suppliers rather than through websites, its my first time so what should I be aware of, aside from ensuring the website is authentic?

3.Its beauty and personal care stuff so I was thinking to ask prep center to check expiry date which I have to mention whilst creating shipment plan as they aren’t mentioned on website, what do you guys do normally about it?

  1. Apart from complications arising from country of establishment determination, it is the buyer address that matters.
  2. If you buy from a retail website, you are technically not allowed to sell as new but can sell as “Used - Like New”. If a wholesale website and an authorised distributor, shouldn’t be a problem.
  3. I can’t advise on this as I don’t sell these items

This advice relates to UK only and may not be relevant or correct for other countries.


I see! Thank you for your time.

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