Is anyone else facing similar payout challenges?

Amazon is placing each transaction into deferred status for two of our accounts—one FBA and the other FBM. What could be the reason for this?

To me, it seems like it might be due to the Q4 extended return timeline until January 31st, but could it be something else?


Amazon has already sent this announcement. You can check your email. It is about the return period.

You must be on the DD+7 payout schedule. Payment is made 7 days after delivery.

I have the same issue.

Its happened to all of us, amazon are rolling it our across all accounts. Good news is its just a visual change and actually makes no difference to the daily disbursements.

It’s been like this for ages. Every transaction mostly goes in a 2 week deferred period. Nothing to do with your 2 accounts that don’t make sense to have and will get in trouble once one of it will be hit with many claims.