Is Amazon still worth it?

Curious on everyone’s thoughts. Please no coaches, just actual people who are selling for themselves.

Is it still worth it to sell in 2023? I have a dormant account which I no longer use but I still can’t decide what to do. Are people actually making money? I keep reading how it’s not as good as it sounds and how many people get their account suspended by Amazon.

I’m torn on whether I should jump into this again or not.

I’m hoping to make $5K take home (not revenue) per month. That’s my goal to keep where I need to be.

How realistic is that?

I am an OA and RA reseller. I wanted to let you know that Yes it is worth it. It is not as easy as they make it out to be, but totally worth it. There are going to be a lot of obstacles in the beginning to be able to sell certain brands, but once you overcome them then things go smoother.


Yes, you can make money. But study first. Spend about a month to understand the whole process. There are lots of YouTube videos that teach you the system. Easiest is to start with Retail Arbitrage. It is a lot of effort to find products in the beginning as you don’t have approval to sell big brands. Takes about an year to start seeing money that you expect to see.


It won’t be easy, but it definitely worth it. If you decide to jump in you’ll have temptation to do all sort of thing like promotion, ppc, expansion and etc. Do it only when you actually ready and you know how to do it, or just hire someone to support you.

Especially with PPC it’s very easy to drain down money very quickly.

Do everything step by step and you’ll be alright


You can make $5k with a good private label product. I don’t think that it would be possible with a different business model, unless you are able to make significant investments.


Always possible, your problem will start on chosen business model, obviously if it’s OA it’s gonna be most crap having built model as ip claims, brand restrictions and all over huge competition, because of every cat and dog now doing it… so yo get 5,000$ profit, you need about 20,000-50,000€ in healthy sales revenue create…

That’s about OA how it is

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Its not any more, years ago it was extremely easy to do 7 digits in USD gross sales. Now, maybe if you are extremely lucky, then if you are amazon or ebay will cut you back down because its “not fair” that you are successful and others are not…


do you use lists for leads or source yourself?

do you have specific channel ?

is there anything that changed so you can no longer make money? do you have any tips how to make at least 4 figures?

Is Amazon worth it? The easiest way how to make money online despite all obstacles :grinning:


Yes, it has changed significantly, way too much to even begin to post. Worst part is that both of the major online marketplaces are throttling sellers back.

You will not make any money purchasing goods from China, those manufactures at one time were loyal to the online seller outside of their country. Not any more, they stab all the resellers in the back and sell direct and via proxy sellers located in the USA. Looks like they got too greedy and now they have to deal with 1 order at a time versus many cases per order. What they did will never reverse its self, at least in the current state of affairs.

We are real manufactures with machines to produce product and it is hard. It was not too bad until a few months ago then ebay started to attack my accounts on their site, it appears to be due to us being so successful over the years. Since they are attacking me for no apparent reason it was time to dissolve my loyalty to them and shift it all over to our private website. Our new model is starting to track vertical and does have a more optimistic projected growth than both marketplaces.

My advice to you would be to NOT leave any stones un-turned. Look, do your homework well, TEST every thing, run some mini trials, try this, try that. Main point is try, DO NOT listen to all the BS on the internet regarding how to make money. It is all 100% pure BS.

The other problem you have is the clear fact that once you hit a home run, either amazon or eBay will push you back in the hole because they are “sharing the wealth”. So with that said, it means mediocre at best results. Start your plan WITHOUT ebay and amazon, you will be better off in the long run. Most definitely don’t use amazon because the sellers from China are getting priority and discounts you will never see, thus, those incentives will quickly erode all of your hardwork.


I can confirm that this is indeed the situation. When you design a private label product and have it manufactured in China, you may discover it being sold on Alibaba and Aliexpress just a few months later. Obtaining a trademark can assist you in removing listings from Amazon or eBay, but unfortunately, you won’t have any recourse with Chinese websites.


nikki kirk & reezy resells

specially for private label but they have wholesale videos also

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