IP Complains from another Brand Registry user


looking for some insight from experienced sellers. We sell for a brand alongside another seller. We are a registered agent in brand registry for the brand. The other seller has filed several trademark violations against us and they won’t retract their violations (per the brand owner).

We’ve submitted a letter of authorization stating we can sell the brand directly to Amazon, but are still waiting to hear on that.

What else can be done to get this fixed (violations removed and retain ability to sell the brand’s products)? The other seller seems stubborn and keeps filing complaints and won’t retract. Does the brand need to remove that seller from brand registry? By doing that, would that get the violations removed from our account?

What else does anyone suggest?

Unfortunately, this is something quite common. Many brands give their resellers a Brand Registry access, which often results in these sellers subsequently reporting each other.

The only way how the violation can be retracted in this case is when the other seller submits the retraction directly using their e-mail address. Even kicking them out of the Brand Registry account wouldn’t help.