I want to check the Amazon method to ungating


Before testing, I wonder if Amazon invoices do have billing address on them?

I am asking this because I am shipping to my prep center, so the invoice should contain my address as billing address.

Thank you!

Shipping address be of your prep centre, whereas billing address is going to be your company address which is mentioned in your Amazon account.

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Yes I got that.

But I saw an example of Amazon dot com invoice and it looks like if the invoice contains only the shipping address. Can you please confirm that to me if you use this method?

Amazon has recently changed the quantity requirements if you are going to use Amazon invoices. In most cases it seems you’ll need 50 units to use an Amazon invoice to ungate. I’d suggest to double check the requirements of your specific brand.

As of my knowledge, there is no concept of billing address on Amazon cuz it is working as a retailer so you can’t legally source from Amazon.com, it will only mention the shipping address. But you can check with someone else too.