How to Optimize ACOS Using Amazon’s Schedule Bid Rules?

Amazon’s PPC game just leveled up with Scheduled Bid Rules. This nifty feature lets us customize bids for different times of the day. Now, the real deal – how do we harness this to slash our ACOS and make every ad dollar count?

  1. Spy on When Rivals Play Their Ads: Pop into a reverse ASIN lookup tool, enter a competitor’s ASIN, and check out the Trend View-Ad Position Trend. It’s a goldmine showing when they’re bidding and how high they’re aiming according the SP rank of every hour.

  1. Fine-Tune Your Bids: Turn the lens on your own ASIN. The same tool shows how your bids fare against the clock. This helps you understand the SP ranking positions your current bids are achieving. Experiment with different bids to gauge potential rankings and infer competitors’ bid ranges and possible ad positions at varying bid levels.

  2. Allocate with Insight: Dive into hourly orders, ACOS, and the competition heat (thanks, Amazon’s Rapid Retail Analytics!). Spot the times when your ad spend can shine brightest – more exposure, lower costs, killer conversions.

Drop your tactics in the comments. Let’s make these new tools work for us!


Nice content brother :+1:

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