Has it ever happened to you (as shown in the first picture):
You sent the inventory, but it is showing as available, yet the inventory isn’t live. As shown in the 1st image, this seems to be a unique problem.
So, don’t panic! Let’s explore why this happens and how to solve it properly.
Why it happens: When we ship inventory to closed listings and the inventory starts getting received, we activate the listing. In this case, even though your inventory is received on the same ASIN, it doesn’t detect the number of units and attach them to Amazon FBA. That’s why it shows available units but is still marked as out of stock.
How to fix it: Delete the listing and relist it on the same ASIN, SKU, and labeling (FNSKU/Manufacturer Barcode used when you sent the inventory).
This way, the shipped inventory at Amazon will refresh, and Amazon will start detecting the inventory you sent on the same SKU, making it live immediately (hopefully).
Just sharing my experience on how we fixed it.
Also, I’m sharing Amazon’s response on this for added authenticity.
Hope this helps you troubleshoot such issues quickly and make your business more profitable.