How to Effortlessly Research Your Amazon Niche Market?

Before you dive into a niche, it’s smart to scope out stuff like how many people might buy, what your competition looks like, and what’s hot in terms of products and prices. Here’s a laid-back approach to get you started:

  1. Grab a keyword tool and pop in the perfect keywords for your niche, like ‘Backpack for men’ as an example.

  2. Check out the number of reviews to get a feel for how big your buyer pool might be.

  3. Look at price trends to figure out where most products are sitting price-wise.

  4. Count how many ASINs are making it to the top three pages in the past month to size up your competition.

  5. Take a peek at the ASIN list, sorted by traffic share, to spot the top products in your niche.

  6. And finally, see how much traffic top products are pulling – it’ll tell you which ones are the steady faves and which are the new kids on the block.


Thank you for sharing @Reneewu :slight_smile:

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