How does video verification call look like for account reactivation under section 3?

Any details/tips?

Keep all of your documents ready…

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I hope this helps! :smiley:


Passport/ID - Make sure this matches your Amazon account name otherwise it is game over

Business Bank Statement - This statement must be the account you take amazon disbursements from, has to be dated within the past 180 days

Business Registration - You must provide your LTD/LLC incorporation certificate + any shareholders/joint share your company has

Supply Chain - This is one of the most important things you cannot get wrong, in this section I provided all these documents

  • Invoice for the purchases of the ASINS affected

  • Bank statement proving the goods have been bought

  • Supplier details (even though it is on the invoice I did a separate page for this just to be 100% sure) I had every little detail I could find such as Name, Address, Website, Tel, Email, VAT Number, Company Number etc

  • Delivery tracking from the supplier to your prep centre, home or warehouse

  • Every single tracking document from prep centre to amazon such as custom documents, invoices, tracking numbers etc

  • Tracking from Amazon to the customer

Now for the interview

First of all, they are there to try catch you off guard and make you slip up in order to get something else onto you. They will pick any little detail which is totally irreverent to them and the violation, here are some things they asked for us so you can prepare

Who is the sales rep? How do you know them? What do they do?

Who do you have linked to your amazon account and why?

What do prep centres do? How do they operate? What do they deal with?

If you have anything on your invoice from your supplier which looks them as “odd” they will ask you about it so make sure you study your invoices beforehand and check so you aren’t caught off guard

They asked us to show all our emails, invoices, conversation on a mobile device and not screen share so make sure you have them accessible.

The main thing they did which was the most confusing of them all, they asked us to provide invoices and documents for ASIN’s which we didn’t have a violation for, so if you sell a large quantity of an individual brand make sure you have all your invoices saved ready to go as they could ask you that

The moral of the story of this, always make sure you have track of EVERY little detail for your business, whether you think it is silly to have it is better to be safe than sorry

I really hope this helps, please let me know if you need anymore help

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Amazing, thank you so much :pray: