How do you work around bulky products?

I recently ordered an inventory and realized that the weight of he bulky products in the package not only caused issues in making shipment plan but also significantly increased my Amazon UPS charges. Fortunately, my distributor does not charge for shipping.

Category: grocery and gourmet. Product type: wheat, flour, seeds, etc. Previously, I have only worked in Beauty and Personal Care categories.

My questions:

  1. Is there any criteria you use for weights when shortlisting products?

  2. Are products in Grocery & Gourmet generally bulky?

  3. How to incorporate their impact on ROI cals. (I don’t use Revenue Calculator. I do these cals myself)

We mostly look for products that are a maximum of 2 lb. This category includes many bulky products, but I usually go for bulky products when I find cheaper sourcing that gives me a good ROI.

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Thanks. I could use this as a criteria.

The criteria for weight could be below 2,000 grams. Not all products in the grocery category are bulky, some are lightweight, such as a pack of snacks or a chocolate bar. Amazon’s fees depend on numerous factors, including weight. The bulkier the item, the higher the fee. For more details, you can check any FBA calculator.

Most of my ASINs are below 1 kg, but I have a few that are over 1 kg.

No, this category includes all sizes and weights.

I use software like SAS and SAA to calculate the inbound shipping.