How do you avoid cancellations from OA suppliers?

Hello guys,

I need some expertise / advice in jigging details for multiple orders from the same supplier.

So far I’ve tried a change of address, different payment details, different name.

I’ve been keeping my name as the invoice details which I suspect could be the problem why all my orders are getting cancelled? My only worry with changing my name on the invoice to a fake name is if I have problems down the line with Amazon and they request invoices? As the details won’t match mine.

Appreciate you taking the time to read this shake

Always keep the name and billing details the same. If changing the email is a solution, you can use Gmail and do the following:

If your Gmail is [email protected], you can create infinite email variations without actually creating new accounts by using formats like [email protected], [email protected], etc. Although the email appears different, it is still considered the original one, and any emails sent to these variations will be delivered to [email protected]. I hope this makes sense.

If this doesn’t work, I would recommend moving on to a different retailer.

Some suppliers you just can’t get past. Best to move on and save yourself the frustration and stress.