How do you all manage to enter the flow state?

There are days when I attempt to work but just can’t seem to find my rhythm, and it takes a while to get there.

But once I do, I smash it but is not easy to get there.

Advices? Tips?

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If you’re not in the mood just don’t work because you’ll have low productivity anyway.

Another option is to think how poor you will be if you don’t have the necessary input in the business

Decide to do only one single task/step. Pick one that you feel either the most affinity towards or the opposite: that takes the most effort getting through it. It depends on your mood and/or personality which one gives you more energy after accomplishing it.

Get it done.

Reaching your goal, even if it was small, is often enough to get you back in the rhythm and feel like doing more.

Usually I have 2 choices, depending on how much the rhythm is lost 🙂. Either give up for that day and relax, either do something that it’s boring but needs to be done (because I don’t want to do this when I’m in the action mood ) 😅. And after I get bored, I feel like the change of rhythm is necessary…So maybe you can choose between shisha and accounting 🤣🤣?