How do I find keywords in the Ad campaign report


I have been running PPC campaigns for a while and I cannot work out how to find keywords.

I am told to start with an automatic campaign as Amazon tells you what keywords it is finding with your product but when I download the report after a week, there are no keywords. it has the other data but agaisnt keyworrds it just says * (see attached).

Has this happened to anyone else and if so, do you know how to find the keywords?

Also, I have seen a USA webinar and it is showing me a page where you can see it on seller central and not download report. Can you get this in the UK market?


You don’t get Keywords if you run an Automatic keyword campaign, but you should still get the Customer Search Term (which contains the keywords).

If you run a Manual campaign you get both.

Reports > Advertising Reports > Search Term Report

You’ll have to request and then download report