How can you tell from Keepa chart if a product is OA or wholesale?


If we see review counts then we can assume its wholesale product.

As we have set criteria that low review counts sellers on listing means its OA product.

Any other check points to see product is OA or Wholesale.

Give your suggestions

If you are asking if the product is sold by a WS or OA seller then it is hard to tell. some wholesalers are just starting which is why they have low reviews. If you check their storefront you can get an idea if they are doing WS, OA, or a bit of a mix.


How can you adjust the seller’s review count on keepa? Or you are checking manually?

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Yes, you are right need to research on these to consider this product is OA.

In Keepa graph, click on data tab & then offers so from there you can see all the sellers who are in the listing or were in the listing !!! Also you can filter sellers by reviews by clicking in review column title (High to low or vice-versa)

Hopefully I answered your question…Cheers