Has anyone received a BS message from Amazon after providing invoices and proof of delivery?

The wording seems different, and the value is several thousand dollars.

"Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

Thank you for your patience while we investigated shipment FBAXXXXXXXX. We are denying your reimbursement claim for this shipment because we did not receive all of the expected units, as required by the FBA inventory reimbursement policy. Based on your shipping plan, we expected to receive: XXXXXXXXX/38 XXXXXXXX/16

We have no record of receiving these units. We recommend that you work with your carrier on these discrepancies and ensure that you have appropriate insurance for future shipments. Many carriers assume limited liability for damage or loss in transit.’

Yes, I had something similar. Of course, they have no records because they lost them. In my opinion, they’re just shifting the blame.

Proof of Delivery shows DELIVERED


12/6/24 at 1:16 PM

Signed for by: NAMAZON

Yes, I am having these once in every few shipments. Amazon receives 0 units out of 1000 in the box. This is outrageous. I am going to take a legal action as I don’t thin opening Seller Support cases will solve anything.

I had three major shipments with over 500 total units lost. They were giving me an extremely hard time, so I spent a considerable amount of time locating the boxes from which the units appeared to be missing, in some cases, entire boxes were lost.

I submitted a snip of the box delivery from SC and simplified all the information:

  1. A screenshot of the delivered box
  2. A list of missing units under each box
  3. A separate PDF combining individual FNSKU invoices covering the total units, named FNKU-xxxxxxx-units (total units).

I still have one case open, and I haven’t heard anything back on it since it was first opened on December 6th. The other two cases were reimbursed.

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They have lost a ton of inventory in Q4, if you used their partnered carrier, you can communicate that to them, if it wasn’t their partner carrier, you can file a claim with the carrier.