Has anyone been through this before and can offer guidance?

Hey guys,

I’m a new Amazon seller, and I’m looking to update my UPC barcodes quickly before sales pick up. I have been using barcodes provided by my supplier, but they are not under my company name.

I have two SKUs with UPC barcodes that need to be updated:

  1. A bag of treats with a UPC barcode on the label.
  2. A box that only has the Amazon FBA label on it (I don’t think there’s a UPC barcode on the packaging).

I plan to go through Brand Registry to update this. Currently, I have 100 units of the boxed treats in FBA.

My question is: Can I contact Amazon now to update the UPC immediately, or do I need to sell through all my existing inventory first? Since the 100 boxes don’t have a UPC label on the packaging, I’m thinking it might be possible to switch it right away.

Thanks so much!

Amazon won’t update any barcodes as new barcode = new product.

You need to sell those through and create new products with the new UPC barcodes. Note that any reviews will not carry over.



You can update the UPC now through Brand Registry. No need to sell through all units, but it’s safer to clear old stock first.

How’s your inventory going?

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Not aware of this. How is it done?

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Takes time if you keep opening cases. I agree new listings should be created.