Hi, I’m new to Amazon fba. I’m trying to find my first product and it’s so hard to come across one that is not high competition. I did see this one but I wasn’t sure if it’s worth selling as a beginner. I would like to create a bundle of something similar and hire someone to do the listing for me.
I would not let that stop you from getting started. amazon is hyper-saturated with sellers, and this makes the site worthless for those looking to have great success. At best it will be mediocre sales regardless of competition or not.
You need to learn what is going on, consider the money you will lose getting started as “college tuition”. Only way you will be successful is if you start somewhere. Just don’t shoot from the hip when making decisions. Let logic, common sense, mathematics, probability theory guide you.
A good book to start with is a college level macro-economics book. You can find old used ones on ebay for under $10 shippped. Get one that has some calculus in it, don’t worry if you don’t understand calc. you will not need to do any math.
You will not learn anything from amazon, their “help” is nothing more than a sales pitch. All the youtube wonders selling software or what ever are nothing but BS, they make money from clicks from click bait.
Use common sense, test, experiment and live in a zero trust environment and you will make money.
I agree with @skeeter and in addition to his comments, I would like to add that the bundle which you found looks very attractive to potential buyers.
However, this is Amazon and you need to understand that they allow unlimited returns with no questions asked.
If you decide to sell this product FBA, you will be getting the bundled sets returned back with contents and accessories missing, making them unsellable. The buyers will still receive full refunds.
So it would be wiser to sell this one using your own website or maybe Etsy.